Adres: ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków


  • LOKALIZACJA: Oświęcim
  • DATA: January 2015


  • ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków
  • +48 12 261 35 00

2D seismic surveys for energy resources exploration in southern Poland 

At the beginning of 2015, Geopartner performed its first 2D seismic surveys using wireless seismic apparatus RT System 2 made by Wireless Seismic Inc., allowing “real-time” data quality checks. For surveys, we used an AWD (Accelerated Weight Drop) as a source of seismic impulses, with an accelerated weight of 300 kg. Generating a potent impulse has made possible a tectonic and structural interpretation of depth interval up to 1 km below the ground surface.