Adres: ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków


  • LOKALIZACJA: Wałbrzych
  • DATA: January 2015


  • ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków
  • +48 12 261 35 00

MT surveys for geothermal resources exploration in the Sudety Mountains

The MT studies aimed to investigate crystalline bedrock for exploring geothermal resources. Geopartner performed both MT surveys and their interpretation. Magnetotellurics is the only available geophysical method that recognizes igneous and metamorphic rocks at great depths and in hard mountainous terrain. In this project, surveys were performed to define a geological model of the Giant Mountains massif at a depth of 2 km b.g.l. Interpretation of electrical conductivity zones from MT data enabled planning of the optimal location of geothermal boreholes.