The magnetotelluric (MT) method, which Geopartner has suggested for geothermal exploration for many years, has been used successfully in this type of issue around the world. The unquestioned use of the MT method emerges from the fact that the distribution of rock conductivity as a function of the depth of geological layers is presented as a result of the measurement, processing, and interpretation of the data.
As part of the research on the geological structure, we propose using: MT, reflection seismic surveys, and also gravimetry.
A common feature of these methods is resistive imaging, ie. interpretation and analysis of the geological structure and relations water in the geological deposits based on conductivity.
As part of the comprehensive geophysical surveys to identify water deposits, Geopartner offers integration of geo-electrical and seismic methods together with potential field methods (gravimetry, magnetometry). This approach is justified especially in areas with complex geological structures. For the recognition of water-bearing zones in the holes, we recommend a borehole GPR. Using a 100 MHz frequency in-hole antenna (to a depth of 150 m) allows the determination of fracture zones, aquifers, and claystone areas.
We perform geophysical surveys with the use of geo-electrical methods: magnetotelluric (including AMT and CSAMT), electromagnetic (EM), the transient electromagnetic method (TDEM), electrical resistivity methods (ERT, SGE), and VLF.
More about geothermal exploration.