The geophysical methods most often used in hydrocarbon exploration are seismic methods. They allow not only the identification of geological structures but also a detailed analysis of the deposit’s features.
Seismic surveys are often preceded by regional and semi-detailed reconnaissance using other geophysical methods, such as gravimetry and magnetotelluric. Due to their lower resolution, these methods do not replace seismic, but they can provide significant additional information about the geological structure of the center. Thanks to this, we can narrow down the area of seismic exploration, which significantly affects the economics of the entire project.
We offer modern measurement equipment such as WirelessSeismic’s RT System2 wireless seismic system. We also provide a set of seismic vibrators from 10 to 26 tons and a modern measurement system for magnetotelluric tests MTU-5C by Phoenix Geophysics. Processing and interpretation of the results is performed using licensed software such as SeisSpace (Promax), Petrel-E&P, and EMPower.
We have been working on hydrocarbon exploration in Poland, Georgia, Greece, France, and Ukraine in recent years. We used each of the above-mentioned geophysical research methods in the conducted works.