Adres: ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków


  • KLIENT: Norio Operating Company
  • LOKALIZACJA: Georgia
  • DATA: May 2018


  • ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków
  • +48 12 261 35 00

Magnetotellurics – Georgia

At the beginning of 2018 our company had the opportunity to cooperate with Norio Operating Company Ltd in Georgia.

We conducted geophysical research using the magnetotelluric method. The work aimed to identify the geological structure of the central part of Georgia, with particular emphasis on the middle Eocene complexes as a potential reservoir rock. Due to the large differences in the area’s elevation for the located MT points, the fieldwork occurred in extremely different atmospheric conditions. Geopartner performed a complete set of works, i.e. MT data acquisition, processing, and 2D interpretation with the geological model of the area.