Adres: ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków




Electromagnetic surveys EM/VLF - method description

Electromagnetic (EM) research examines deposit conductivity induced by the electromagnetic field. The measurement system has two coils: transmitting and receiving. The transmitter produces a primary electromagnetic field, generating a secondary electromagnetic field in the deposit an the receiving coil records the secondary field size and the ratio between the primary and secondary fields. VLF (Very Low Frequency) method examines the secondary fields produced by the conducting deposits, found in soil, which are subjected to the original EM signal. This passive method uses radiation from strong military radio as the primary signal.

The EM-VLF method is one of many geophysical methods using the frequency parameter.

Electromagnetic (EM-VLF) surveys consist in measuring the conductivity of a medium by recording secondary fields generated by conductive bodies located in the substrate. This method allows measurements to be made without contact with the substrate.

In surveys conducted using the radio wave profiling technique, low-frequency radio wave signals [15-30 kHz] from strong military radio stations are used.

Application of EM-VLF electromagnetic methods

VLF data is used for:

  • detection and localization of contamination of the soil and water environment with chemical substances,
  • location of underground infrastructure (pipelines, cables, tanks, foundations),
  • location of buried objects (former open pits, excavations, ditches, burial grounds – places of storage of waste and hazardous substances),
  • testing the tightness of tanks, sheet pile walls, etc.,
  • inspection of the construction of sheet pile walls,
  • testing the structure and condition of flood embankments,
  • testing the horizontal distribution of lithology,
  • searching for defects in dams, weirs, and water thresholds,
  • testing the course of the level of structures such as the contours of oxbow lakes,
  • location of privileged filtration routes,
  • identification of voids, washouts, and cracks,
  • testing the contours of local deposits for use in reconstruction or renovation.

Our Equipment

  • MAG/VLF by GEM System
  • Connectivity meter CMD-4/6 by GF Instruments
  • Conductometer EM-3 MK2 Geonics

Our realized projects

ert_2 / Wałbrzych

gravity / Trzebinia, Malopolskie Voivodship

ert_2 gravity / Lubuskie voiv.