Adres: ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków


  • KLIENT: Hellenic Petroleum
  • LOKALIZACJA: Arta - Preveza
  • DATA: August 2019


  • ul. Skośna 39b, 30-383 Kraków
  • +48 12 261 35 00

Magnetotelluric and audiomagnetotelluric surveys – Greece

The geophysical survey included the execution of data acquisition, processing, and 1D/2D/3D inversion in Audiomagnetotelluric and Magnetotelluric frequency bands. AMT/MT acquisition was performed on 240 stations

For acquiring data specialized geophysical equipment was used – V8-6R, MTU-5A, and MTU-5C made by Canadian Phoenix Geophysics Ltd. Final processing and data inversion were performed in Geopartner Ltd. office in Krakow and partially as cooperation with outsourcing company (calculation of 3D model down to the depth 10 km b.s.l.).