Geopartner is part of 27 participants creating the Smart Exploration project, for which the European Commission has awarded funds from the Horizon 2020 program. The project involves academic and research institutions as well as companies and agencies related to the mining industry and EAGE. The project focuses on the exploration of mineral resources through the use of new exploration technologies – SMART EXPLORATION. As part of the research work, Geopartner will carry out research using reflective and passive seismic methods in Finland and Sweden and is responsible for coordinating and performing works using non-seismic exploration methods in Kosovo. We would like to thank all partners for their contribution to the work on the project. SMART EXPLORATION. The consortium will focus primarily on the development of cost-effective, environmentally friendly tools and methods for geophysical surveys that can be used to explore deposits in areas strongly affected by anthropogenic impacts and to meet increasing community and environmental issues. The research will be carried out in Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Greece and Kosovo on sites selected on the basis of existing data, but also promising to offer new exploration purposes. The project implementation began in December 2017 and is coordinated by prof. Alireza Malehmir from Uppsala University in Sweden. Activities related to the public relation and management of the project will be carried out by EAGE. The project consists of partners from 11 European Union countries: Sweeden Uppsala University Geological Survey of Sweden Nordic Iron Ore Ludvika Kommun GeoVista MIC Nordic BitSim Amkvo Finland Yara University of Helsinki University of Turku Denmark SkyTEM Surveys Aarhus University Netherlands Delft University of Technology Seismic Mechatronics EAGE Italy Polytechnic University of Turin Portugal Somincor National Laboratory of Energy and Geology Germany Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg Poland Institute of Geophysics – Polish Academy of Sciences Geopartner Proxis Greece National Technical University of Athens Hellas Gold Seismotech Delfi Distomon Project web site – Twitter account – SmartExplore